How To Build A Product Management System With Notion

November 22, 2023

When operating a startup, it's not uncommon to encounter obstacles along the growth path. One challenge that resonates with many founders and teams is the need for more effective coordination and communication as the company expands.

Imagine a scenario: you're steering your startup towards success, only to find yourself in a situation where support tickets start pouring in one night, overwhelming your team. To make matters worse, the flood of inquiries stems from a new feature that engineering launched without informing the support department. The chaos leaves you and your colleagues scrambling to respond to customer questions, feeling the strain of a system cracking under pressure.

But this predicament isn't isolated. It's a recurring theme witnessed in product teams across renowned companies, including Twitter, Oculus, and Robinhood. Even Notion, a trusted service provider in the industry, has faced similar challenges. The growing pains of scaling a business can take their toll, highlighting the pressing need for better coordination across teams.

In this article, we will delve into the very heart of this issue. We'll explore the detrimental consequences of disjointed communication, the wasted hours spent trying to disseminate crucial information, and the frustration of team members grappling with fragmented knowledge. We'll uncover the common struggle experienced by countless startups and discuss how it hinders their ability to scale efficiently.

And there's more to discover. We'll learn from Notion, a company well-versed in these challenges, how they tackled this issue head-on. By implementing thoughtful systems and processes, they managed to bridge the gaps, align their teams, and foster a culture of seamless collaboration. Let’s dive in, gain valuable insights, and discover how you can navigate the complexities of team coordination in the startup world.

Standardize the Workflows

Companies often encounter difficulties in streamlining their work processes as they grow. Each team tends to develop its own set of practices, making it challenging to coordinate efforts effectively. This is a common struggle that many organizations face. Notion, a leading provider in the industry, has tackled this issue and devised a solution worth exploring.

When examining approaches to work coordination, Notion recognized that as companies expand, teams naturally develop their unique work habits. Some teams might utilize formal task and sprint systems, while others prefer a collaborative document for updates. Effective communication about the work is as crucial as allowing teams to work in ways that suit them best.

To address this challenge, Notion took a deliberate approach to standardization. They focused on identifying the aspects already being used consistently across teams. Notion found that their engineering, product, and design groups predominantly revolved around three core concepts: teams, projects, and tasks. With this understanding, they invested time defining each component and documented them in a company-wide resource. This allowed everyone to create projects in a standardized manner.

An equally essential aspect of standardization is recognizing what not to standardize. Notion understood the significance of granting teams the freedom to conduct meetings and choose their preferred mockup tools. Instead of imposing strict rules, they opted for a few essential ground rules while allowing individuals the flexibility to work in ways that suited them best.

Notion's standardization approach has proven effective in fostering seamless communication and collaboration across teams. By defining key components and promoting flexibility, they strike a balance between uniformity and individual autonomy. The insights from Notion's experience can provide valuable guidance for other companies facing similar challenges. By recognizing the importance of standardization, identifying common ground, and promoting flexibility, organizations can optimize their workflows and create an environment conducive to efficient collaboration. Notion's efforts to address this challenge exemplify the potential for improving work coordination and establishing a dynamic work culture.

Building a Product Management System for Seamless Collaboration

In our quest to standardize work components across teams, we recognized the importance of consistent communication that resonated with the entire company. To achieve this goal effectively and efficiently, Notion developed a robust communication system comprising four essential elements:

  • Teams: Cohesive groups of individuals assigned to specific projects, fostering collaboration and accountability.
  • Projects: Discrete and independently shippable sets of work, allowing for focused planning and execution.
  • Tasks: Actionable work items assigned to individuals, ensuring clarity and accountability at the granular level.
  • Updates: Succinct and digestible summaries of each project every two weeks, enabling transparent and accessible project tracking.

These components, meticulously structured as Notion databases, form the backbone of the system. For example, while certain elements serve to facilitate seamless coordination among engineering teams, others, such as the updates, are specifically designed to effectively communicate project progress and developments to the broader company audience. This cohesive system operates on four distinct layers that are tailored to provide context and information for each team's unique requirements.

Acknowledging that your organization's product management system may differ in structure and implementation is essential. Whether you choose to utilize spreadsheets, a curated collection of documents, or adopt alternative methodologies such as sprints or milestones, the key lies in tailoring the system to your specific needs and goals.

By implementing a well-defined and comprehensive product management system customized to suit your company's requirements, you can streamline collaboration, enhance communication, and foster a culture of transparency and efficiency. Such a system empowers teams to work cohesively towards shared objectives, propelling your organization towards greater success and innovation.

We'll cover each part of the system, structure, and audience, giving an overview of how they optimize collaboration and communication.


Creating a comprehensive and accurate list of teams can be more challenging than initially anticipated. The conventional org chart doesn't always align with the way software development teams work. It's crucial to identify the virtual groups that people actually work in to ship something to build an effective product. These teams may consist of diverse functions that are not typically considered to be on the same "team", such as engineers, designers, product marketers, lawyers, and other relevant contributors.

A practical approach to discovering these teams is to examine the Slack channels that individuals create to coordinate project work. These channels often provide valuable insights into the unofficial teams that are actively collaborating to drive progress. Once these teams are identified, constructing a roster becomes the next step. The level of complexity in the roster can vary based on specific needs. In Notion’s case, they include the team name, team members, a concise description of their roles, and other useful information like a dedicated Slack channel and team charters.

Recognizing and acknowledging the existence of these virtual teams and documenting their composition and purpose foster clear ownership and promote organized projects. This approach ensures that each team's responsibilities and contributions are well-defined, enabling efficient collaboration and driving successful project outcomes.

As you embark on building your own team roster, adapt the process to suit your organization's unique dynamics and requirements. Consider incorporating valuable insights from team communication channels and create a comprehensive overview that facilitates transparency, accountability, and effective coordination among virtual teams.


Once teams are established, it becomes crucial to identify significant and deliverable projects, capturing the attention and interest of the entire company. This includes teams like Sales, Legal, and other engineering sub-teams who may not be directly involved in building the project but require a comprehensive understanding of its progress and context. To address this need, Notion optimizes the project database and provides key information such as project name, concise descriptions, status, launch date, and links to detailed project documentation, all presented in a table format for easy access and quick insights.


Once projects have been identified, the subsequent step entails meticulous decomposition into precise and detailed tasks that align with the project team's daily operations, involving engineers, designers, and product managers. These tasks should be carefully tailored to ensure understanding and manageability for the individuals accountable for their execution. Fundamental properties, such as priority, QA status, assigned engineer, related project, and other relevant information, are leveraged to empower engineers in effectively carrying out their work. This approach fosters a professional and efficient environment, enabling seamless project progression and successful outcomes.

Weekly Updates

The final layer of the system caters to individuals who are not specifically aware of the projects they should be interested in, aiming to provide them with focused and meaningful information. While a long list of projects may not be practical for scanning, the concept of updates allows for a more curated and digestible format.

To ensure clarity and accessibility, the weekly updates are crafted in plain and readable language, authored by a designated professional who gathers content from individual product updates written by the teams. These updates can be structured on Notion pages, facilitating easy access and efficient searching through previous updates. However, alternative formats like emails or documents can also be utilized based on organizational preferences.

The current structure of weekly updates at Notion revolves around three distinct categories:

  • What's shipping: A comprehensive list of all external customer-facing releases completed during the week.
  • Announcements: Updates regarding the progress of various initiatives, whether positive or negative. This category may include notable milestones, the introduction of new product requirement documents (PRDs), or significant project delays.
  • FYIs: Valuable insights and lessons learned from recent projects and noteworthy changes occurring across the product and engineering organization.

It is important to note that the specific structure of the updates may evolve as the company's priorities and focus shift over time. Depending on your organization's goals and objectives, updates may be tailored to highlight the progress of specific initiatives or key strategic priorities, such as three major objectives being pursued by the team. Maintaining flexibility in the updated structure allows for adaptability to changing circumstances and ensures that the provided information remains relevant and valuable to the intended audience.

Create a Self-Reinforcing System

The success of any system lies in its utilization and adoption by its users. Despite all the strategies discussed, the system's effectiveness would be compromised if the team did not embrace it. Therefore, demonstrating the value of the system becomes paramount. The ultimate objective is to foster alignment and ensure that all team members are on the same page with minimal additional effort required. Striking the delicate balance between these objectives presented a challenge. A concerted effort must be made to establish strong connections between different system parts. 

This interconnectivity creates a mutually reinforcing dynamic, where adding information to one component enhances the value of others. As a result, team members are incentivized to contribute to the overall system actively. For instance, embedding the project tracker at the bottom of each weekly update provides a clear reference point for those seeking more detailed information on specific projects. This approach incentivizes the team to maintain an up-to-date list of projects. Furthermore, the individual team incorporates a filtered view of the tasks database within each project document. This filtered view allows stakeholders to assess the task breakdown and progress within the project instantly.

Additionally, establishing links with other departments' systems further reinforces the value of the system. For instance, Product Marketing relies on the external launch dates from the Projects tracker to populate their launch calendar, promoting synchronization and alignment across teams.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, this comprehensive system serves as a centralized platform to track all products and work while facilitating seamless communication with minimal administrative burden. It is intended to provide a helpful framework that other teams can adopt and implement.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that as startups evolve and grow, systems need to adapt accordingly. The specific system employed may undergo changes over time. It is essential to prioritize understanding the information needs of different teams as this holistic approach acknowledges that building a product requires the collective effort of the entire organization. Maintaining transparency and keeping everyone's needs in mind is vital to sustaining clarity and promoting effective scalability.

You can spend some time exploring Notion. With a user-friendly interface, Notion provides a seamless platform for creating documents, databases, wikis, and project boards, allowing users to customize their workspace to suit their unique needs. Notion's flexible and powerful features make it a popular choice for individuals, startups, and organizations seeking a comprehensive solution to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and foster seamless collaboration.

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