Manychat for Free

Manychat for Free

Manychat for Startups

Attract and engage with customers where they are when they're ready. Capture the email addresses and phone numbers for up to 80% of your leads, and add them automatically to your database. With Manychat, a lead never slips away, and a follow-up opportunity is never missed. Identify interested leads and reengage them without running expensive retargeting ad campaigns.
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Supercharge your lead generation
Attract and engage with customers where they are when they're ready. Capture the email addresses and phone numbers for up to 80% of your leads, and add them automatically to your database.

Increase conversion rates by up to 90%
With Manychat, a lead never slips away, and a follow-up opportunity is never missed. Identify interested leads and reengage them without running expensive retargeting ad campaigns.

Automatically respond to every message
Instantly engage with each message, reaction, and mention, so you attract customers faster than ever before and never miss an opportunity with a potential lead.

Claim back your time & slash costs
Automate responses to all your FAQs with Manychat. Streamline communication and ensure 24/7 timely replies.


1 Month for Free.


New accounts only.

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Manychat 1 Months for Free

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