4 Insider Tips For PhantomBuster's Advanced Users

November 22, 2023

We've got your back with some fantastic beginner-friendly quality tips that we've carefully crafted just for you, fellow PhantomBuster user! But guess what? It's time to crank it up a notch and take things to the next level. Get ready to level up in style with these advanced tips straight from PhantomBuster. It's time to unleash your automation skills and become a true pro. Let's do this!

1. Try Out The Watchers Mode

Phantoms typically avoid processing the same information repeatedly, unless specifically instructed to do so. If a Phantom is set up for repeated launches, it will pick up from where it left off in the input list provided. However, there's an exception to the rule: Watchers mode. This feature goes against the norm and causes the Phantom to start fresh with each launch, reprocessing the input from scratch.

Watchers mode can be incredibly useful in certain scenarios: 

  • Keeping track and gathering information from all of your new followers 
  • Gathering the newest leads that fall into your search criteria
  • Exporting the most recent users who have liked a tweet

By understanding and utilizing Watchers mode strategically, you can optimize your automation for real-time updates and stay ahead of the game.

2. Automate On Multiple Accounts

Let's talk about managing multiple clients on PhantomBuster. As a sales or marketing agency offering automated lead generation services, it can get overwhelming to handle various Phantoms and Flows for different clients. Just to a quick recap here, PhantomBuster has two types of automation: "Phantoms" and "Flows”. A “Phantom” represents a single automated action, while a “Flow” comprises a connected series of multiple actions. 

Alright, let’s continue! Managing multiple Phantoms and Flows for different clients doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, there are effective ways to simplify your dashboard and streamline your workflow, making your life much easier.

Duplicate Phantoms and Flows

First, consider duplicating your Phantoms and Flows. If you have a go-to automation tool that you use repeatedly, save yourself the hassle of setting it up from scratch by simply duplicating it. This will take you back to the setup where you can make any necessary adjustments to fit your needs.

Rename Duplicated Phantoms

Next, renaming your duplicated Phantoms can be a real game-changer. By giving each automation a unique name, you'll have a clear understanding of which one belongs to which client. You can easily rename them by clicking the three dots above each Phantom or Flow and selecting the rename option. You can even group them to categorize your automations by client, keeping everything neat and organized.

Use Different Session Cookies

When dealing with multiple clients and accounts, it's essential to use different session cookies in PhantomBuster. Here's a quick breakdown of how to do it depending on the scenario:

With PhantomBuster’s browser extension:

  • You can install this directly from your PhantomBuster account by clicking the "Install Chrome extension" button in the banner

With PhantomBuster’s browser extension for Instagram and Facebook:

  • Make sure the extension is enabled in incognito/ private windows. Open a private window, log into the new Facebook/ Instagram account, plus your PhantomBuster account.
  • Go to your new Phantom and click the “Connect to…” button to obtain the cookies for this account.
  • You can then close the private window without logging out and repeat this process for as many different accounts as you need.

Without PhantomBuster’s browser extension:

  • Open a private browser window and log into the new social network account.
  • Obtain your cookies manually and then paste them into the new Phantom’s setup.
  • Remember to close the private window without logging out of the social network.

By following these steps, you'll be able to efficiently manage multiple clients and their associated accounts on PhantomBuster. Streamline your workflow, stay organized, and deliver top-notch automation services with ease.

3. Target Your Leads

Targeted lead generation is a key aspect of separating your ideal customer profiles from a broader target market and nurturing those leads. The impact of nurturing leads is significant, as nurtured leads tend to spend 47% more than non-nurtured leads.

PhantomBuster offers several ways to effectively target your leads, all you need is to choose the relevant Phantoms. You can target leads and have the ability to refine your lead extraction by specifying the types of leads you want to target during the setup process and have the option to filter between leads and decision-makers, offering further flexibility in your targeted approach.

The option to filter your leads

4. Know The Common FAQs 

While Phantoms and Flows are designed to be user-friendly and easily set up within minutes, there are a few additional aspects that deserve attention. To provide you with comprehensive guidance, we have compiled these key points based on frequently asked questions from other customers.

A Phantom Runs For Up To 5 Hours

It's worth noting that the execution time of some Phantoms can be quite lengthy, which may come as a surprise if you have set them up for automatic operation. Certain Phantoms, such as the Profile Finder, can run for an extended period without rate limits. However, it's important to be aware that they may abruptly stop functioning after running for several hours, catching some users off guard.

Search Result Limits For Google Maps

If you're seeking a list of businesses in a particular location, the Google Maps Search Export Phantom is an excellent tool to begin with. However, keep in mind that it will only show a maximum of 200 results.

And if you need phone numbers

Collecting phone numbers through Phantoms requires connecting the specific Phantom. If you need a reminder of how to connect different Phantoms, you can read it up more here.

How Our Insider Tips Can Boost Your Lead Generation

Unlocking the power of PhantomBuster with these insider tips is essential for maximizing your lead generation strategy and elevating your brand. Here's why our experts' advice holds such significance:

  • Streamline your workload: By utilizing PhantomBuster effectively, you can eliminate manual tasks and streamline your workflow. These tips will ensure a seamless lead generation process, allowing you to accomplish more with less effort.
  • Save time: With PhantomBuster automations working tirelessly on your behalf, you can reclaim valuable time. By freeing up your schedule, you can prioritize important tasks like nurturing relationships with new prospects, avoiding the common pitfall of being too busy to follow up.
  • Boost your revenue: Automation has the potential to significantly increase your qualified leads. As you connect with more ideal customer profiles, your revenue is poised for substantial growth.
  • Gain a competitive edge: Armed with insider knowledge of PhantomBuster, you can outmaneuver your competitors. This empowers you to effectively reach your target audience, optimize your campaigns, and stay ahead of the curve.

By implementing these tips, you'll unlock the full potential of PhantomBuster, achieve greater efficiency, and drive remarkable results for your lead generation efforts.

Wrapping up

We genuinely hope that these insights have sparked your curiosity to delve into new automation techniques and feel more empowered in leveraging the full potential of PhantomBuster's technology. Remember, progress is made one step at a time, and with persistence, you'll soon master the art of automation like a true wizard! 

If you haven't already taken the plunge, we invite you to sign up for a free trial. During this 14-day period, you'll have firsthand access to PhantomBuster's remarkable lead generation service, allowing you to explore and experience all the incredible features. Get ready to unleash the power of automation and embark on a journey of seamless productivity. Happy automating!

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